Foods That Can Help With Longevity

longevity foods blog

Living a long, is a goal that most people share, as long as it is a healthy life . Unfortunately, not everyone knows what to do to achieve a long healthy life span. While some life expectancy factors are tied to genetics, many are well within your control. In fact, one of the easiest things […]

Factors of Longevity : Healthy Habits to live by

Retired Couple Walking with Dog

Genetics determines roughly 25% of your longevity; the rest results from the lifestyle choices you make. You have control of the vast majority of the factors that will increase your lifespan. If you want to ensure you enjoy as many years as possible, pay attention to these essential factors of longevity. Incorporate the Top Five Factors […]

How To Live Longer – ESS60 for Longevity

ESS60 for Longevity

Are you wondering how to live longer? Consider exploring the benefits of nootropic supplements such as the ESS60 supplement. ESS60, is a molecule comprised of 60 carbon atoms. C60 was discovered by accident in a lab by scientists more than 35 years ago. Since then, the compound has been used for a variety of medical and […]

10 Tips on How to Live Longer

10 tips to live longer

Living a long, happy life has always been the end goal. Longevity is the dream our parents had for us, it’s the dream we have for ourselves, and one day it will be the dream to pass along to our children. What is longevity, you ask? Longevity is a longer existence in life. Here are […]